Wednesday, May 20, 2009

WiFi graffiti

This concept is one that has been floating in my head for a bit, The concept is that someone sets up a wifi, hard drive and power sources. This combination is then left in a public stop open to anyone to upload their art to. That anyone can see it download a copy, edit or play around with it then re-upload it. A community art collective I guess. Eventually the devise would be taken down or moved, but as it was free and open people could upload the work they pulled off of it to the web. Maybe those that help fund it vie pay pal could choice the best piece of work that month and have it hosted.

Not sure if it could work but if you have the knowledge to help out please post a comment. I know not one person who reads this yet, but chance are someone is looking at it. Public form and all that. I might try and refine this idea over the summer.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hello from in here.

I guess you might be wondering where here is, I would like to say my house, but really I think it is more from inside my own head. It's been a while since what is in here has made it to the written page, and I am starting with a blank page to write on. If I said I was starting with a blank slate it would be a fresh brain, but that is just silly talk.

I don't know if I am going to tell you about myself beyond what you might gather from the scattered thoughts I will post. Mostly these will be typed up journal notes from my carry-around book. I think everyone should have one of these, even if you never use it. I been trying to keep mine with me for the last 2-3 years. Not very good at it and I don't actually have dates for when things were written. But I am on my second one, I write down what ever strikes me at the time or address, and contact information. But sometimes I have story idea, funny things I see, a quick poem. But I figured that this is the internet and well I might as well see if anyone else will find this amusing, thought provoking, whatever.

Well for now I leave you with this opening post, hopeful joined by other soon enough.